Quit Smoking

banner composed of images of cigarettes and smoke, with a sign saying "STOP SMOKING".


Thumbnail of "The 6 Dimensions of Wellness" menu.Overview

You probably already know that tobacco use (cigarettes, chewing tobacco, vapor) is just terrible for your own health and those around you. In fact, tobacco use is the number one preventable cause of death in the US, resulting in about 1,300 deaths per day, from a wide range of illnesses: heart and lung diseases, cancers, and complication of chronic conditions like diabetes, to name a few. You can quit. Secondhand smoke exposure kills about 34,000 per year Links to an external site.. You can quit. Smoking takes about 10 years off a person’s life, and in spite of this dire statistic, nearly 11,000 Californians under the age of 18 become daily smokers each year Links to an external site.. Why? Partly because of the aggressive marketing of the Tobacco Industry, and partly because of the extreme addictiveness of the active ingredient in these products: nicotine. The overwhelming majority of adult tobacco users want to quit (70-80%). Quitting is usually tough, but can be done! You Can Quit!

Informative, inspirational and practical video with straight on advice from a doctor on the habit of smoking and steps to quit in a fun felt pen drawing format - take a look!

Captioned Version Links to an external site.

The information in these modules is not intended to replace the services and advice from a medical or mental health professional.


Learn More

We know you can do it! Take a look at the resources below and find tips on how to quit smoking.

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