CDEV 100: Child Growth and Development
C-ID Course Descriptor
CDEV 100 C-ID Course Descriptor Links to an external site.
OER Options
Complete OER Textbook
Child Growth and Development by Jennifer Paris, Antoinette Ricardo, and Dawn Rymond (College of the Canyons)
Original available in Word Links to an external site. and PDF Links to an external site.
Links to an external site.Generic Derivative (renamed) for use by other colleges available in Word Download Word and PDF Download PDF
Additional OER Options
The following are resources that are commonly used as sources of content Child Growth and Development (conception through adolescence). These are openly licensed (allowing you to retain, reuse, revise, remix and redistribute the content in accordance with the Creative Commons license for each).
- There is one OER textbook equivalent for Child Growth and Development. It is a Lumen course called Child Development Links to an external site., but it unclear who is the author of the course. You will need to check each page of content for specifics on licensing.
Lifespan Development: A Psychological Perspective
Links to an external site. This is a textbook by Martha Lally and Suzanne Valentine-French from the College of Lake County. Chapters 7-10 are not needed for Child Growth and Development. It has a CC BY NC SA 3.0 license
Links to an external site..
- Laura Paciorek from MiraCosta College created a full Child Growth and Development course reader Links to an external site. that while featuring relevant sections from the Lally and Valentine-French lifespan text, also includes additional OER readings to supplement each chapter (especially for middle childhood and adolescence) as well as extra resources for instructors.
- Lifespan Development Links to an external site. This is a Lumen Course. Units 1-3 (which include Modules 1-7) could be used to teach Child Growth and Development. There are references to adulthood throughout the course as it is course over the whole lifespan. You will need to check each page of content for specifics on licensing.
- Children's Development:Infancy through Middle Childhood Links to an external site.This is a textbook compiled by Ana R Leon of West Hills Community College Lemoore. It covers infancy though middle childhood, so additional content would be required to address adolescence. It has a CC BY 4.0 license Links to an external site..
Further Resources
- Additional resources can be found in the Child Growth and Development thread Links to an external site. on the Early Childhood Education OER Collaboration Google Group. The licensing of these resources varies and should be confirmed before use.