COMM 170: Oral Interpretation of Literature
CID Descriptor:
COMM 170: Oral Interpretation of Literature Links to an external site.
While there are no OER textbooks that directly address Oral Interpretation of Literature, the links below give access to resources that can be a starting point in curating/creating an OER book.
OER TextBooks
- Interpreting Love Narrative in East Asian Literature and Film Links to an external site. - By John Wallace under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license, the book explores the role of traditional East Asian worldviews, ethical values, and common practices in the shaping of East Asian narratives in literature and film. The goal is to arrive at interpretations that more accurately engage cultural information so that narratives are understood more closely in terms of their native culture rather than that of the reader/interpreter. Links to an external site.
OER Courses
- Oral Interpretation of Literature OER Links to an external site. - This course by Tinamarie Ivey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and covers poetry and prose interpretation along with dramatic reading.
- Topics in Performance Studies: Comedy Across Media Links to an external site. - MIT OpenCourseWare lecture/workshop engages students in a variety of approaches to the study and practice of performance as an area of aesthetic and social interaction. Special attention is paid to the use of diverse media in performance.
- Literary Interpretation: Interpreting Poetry Links to an external site. - MIT OpenCourseWare introduces practice and theory of literary criticism. The seminar focuses on topics such as the history of critical methods and techniques, and the continuity of certain subjects in literary history.
- Theater and Cultural Diversity in the US Links to an external site. - MIT OpenCourseWare that explores contemporary American theatrical expression as it may be organized around issues of gender and cultural identity.
Additional resources to consider:
- Poetry and Performance Links to an external site. - During The Josephine Hart Poetry Hour at the British Library, well-known figures perform readings of poetry by some of Britain and America’s most distinguished poets. Here you can access the audio recordings of these events, explore the connection between the poets' lives and their work, study interpretations of their poetry, and access suggested classroom activities.
- Voices and Visions Links to an external site. - The lives and works of 13 renowned American poets are interpreted through dramatic readings, archival photographs, dance, performances, and interviews
- Using Documentary Films in Oral Interpretation Class What is the Appropriate Length? Links to an external site. - Article in the International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature
- Introduction to Drama Links to an external site. -MIT OpenCourseWare focused on studying drama as a way to unite communities and challenge social norms.
- Theatrical Worlds by Charlie Mitchell Links to an external site.- licensed under a CC BY- NC-ND license and covers theatrical production with an emphasis on Shakespeare and American musicals