Political Communication
There are no complete OER textbooks that directly address Political Communication, however, the books and resources listed below can be a starting point in curating/creating an OER book
- Elements of Political Communication Links to an external site. - This Wikibook is a style guide for beginners who want to produce political messages in various media formats.
- Classical Rhetoric and Modern Political Discourse Links to an external site. - MIT OpenCourseWare that offers an introduction to the history, theory, practice, and implications of rhetoric, the art and craft of persuasion
- Power: Interpersonal, Organizational and Global Dimensions Links to an external site. - MIT OpenCourseWare offers examples from anthropology and sociology alongside classical and contemporary social theory to explore the nature of dominant and subordinate relationships, types of legitimate authority, and practices of resistance.
- Public Opinion and American Democracy Links to an external site. - MIT OpenCourseWare on both how citizens' thinking about politics is shaped and the role of public opinion in political campaigns, elections and government.