Start with a Word Document


Enter math into an MS Word document with MathType


By starting in Word, a student or staff member can quickly create the following file types:

  • Accessible Word Documents
  • Accessible math in a Canvas Page
  • ePub
  • HTML pages with MathJax
  • Nemeth Braille
  • Large Print

Some students may require more specific technology to interact with files. Comprehensive list of text to speech applications and file compatibility Links to an external site. references additional text to speech readers and other tools.


MathType vs. Word Equation Editor


The final output file should be considered when developing math content in Word. There are programs that can help convert math from one encoding to another, but it can be a steep learning curve. If you are creating an ePub, use the default Word Math Equation Editor. If you are creating any other file type, use MathType or another program to enter equations as MathML. 

Please review the comprehensive list of recommended software for the creation of accessible math. Additionally, this list has resources to help with bulk reformatting, and converting math from encoding type to another, IE: LaTex to MathML.