STEM on Mac/iOS


Add an equation to your Pages, Numbers, or Keynote document


This page is dedicated to creating accessible math while in Pages or Keynote by Apple.

Goal: After reviewing this page, participants will be able to Identify methods for creating accessible STEM with Pages or Keynote (MAC / iOS).


  1. Place cursor at the location an equation needs to be added, either in your document or in a text box or shape, then follow the steps for your device:
    • On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, tap the Insert button , tap the Media button , then tap Equation
    • On your Mac, from the menu bar, choose Insert > Equation.
  2. Enter an equation using LaTeX commands or MathML elements Links to an external site.. On iPhone and iPad, you can also use the shortcut symbols above the keyboard. When you finish typing, a preview of the equation appears.
  3. Select Insert.

Use MathType

Use MathType Links to an external site. with Pages, Numbers, and Keynote for Mac if you have MathType 6.7d or later installed. The first time you insert an equation, select Use MathType, or turn it on in Preferences:

  1. Open Pages, Numbers, or Keynote.
  2. Choose [Application] > Preferences.
  3. Select the "Insert and edit equations with MathType" checkbox.

Review LaTex and MathType in Pages and Keynote Links to an external site. for additional resources.