Case Scenario Tutorials Summary


Alternate Scenarios


It can be challenging to identify every possible scenario for accessible math. Still, we attempted to flush out some of the most common ones based on our received questions. This module explored the following areas:

Converting a PDF with Math

There may come a time when you receive a file that has math already embedded in a PDF.  If you need to convert a PDF with math into another format, this scenario will guide you through at least one workflow.

Converting Handwritten notes with Math

Do you solve the quiz questions with the class on paper and then upload your notes to Canvas? If so, that content must be made accessible. There is no automated workflow to take handwritten notes and create an accessible document, but a suite of tools can assist. 

What do I do with my video where I walk students through a set of sample problems? 

Do you have a video where you solve a math problem on a whiteboard? If so, you will need to do the following:

  • Caption the video
  • Provide an MS Word document with the problems that were covered in the video, entered as MathML

Embedding STEM in MS PowerPoint

Do you use presentations in your course that contains math? If so, this content will need to be properly embedded to work with student's assistive technology. 


Accessible math can be accomplished in PDF but can be very challenging. In most cases, students' accommodation will be anything other than math in a PDF. In most cases, math in PDF is not the ideal accessibility standard and can be extremely challenging to format properly. If you have math documents in PDF, test them using NVDA to ensure the math is properly embedded. 

Embedding STEM into Pages or Keynote (MAC / iOS)

Not on windows? No problem, these resources will help you create accessible math in Apple products. 

Accessible Textbooks

Textbook accessibility should be considered when creating an online course. There are resources available to find accessible open educational resources. 

Alternate text for STEM & Math

STEM & Math alternate text can be very complex. We have listed out real-world examples with information on how to provide accurate alternate text solutions. 

Custom HTML 

If you are creating custom HTML pages with math, you can add a code line to ensure accessibility.