Canvas Equation Editor Tips: Basic View

With the Basic View of the Canvas Equation Editor, you can input expressions, symbols, operations, and
other mathematical items in the Rich Content Editor. In addition to the Equation Editor, equations can be
added manually in any Canvas area that includes a text field, such as the title of an assignment or in a
calendar event.

Expressions, Symbols, and Operations

Expressions, Symbols, and Operations
Symbol LaTex Code Symbol LaTex Code Symbol LaTex Code
LaTeX: x ^ 2x2 x ^ 2 LaTeX: \cap \cap LaTeX: f\circ gfg f\circ g
LaTeX: x _ 2x2 x _ 2 LaTeX: \le \le LaTeX: \infty \infty
LaTeX: \sqrt{x} x \sqrt{x}  LaTeX: \ge \ge LaTeX: \angle CC \angle C
LaTeX: \sqrt[n]{x} nx \sqrt[n]{x}  LaTeX: \in \in LaTeX: \partial \partial
LaTeX: \frac{3}{5} 35 \frac{3}{5}  LaTeX: \notin \notin LaTeX: \rightarrow \rightarrow
LaTeX: y\primey y\prime LaTeX: \subset \subset LaTeX: \lim_x\rightarrow alim \lim_x\rightarrow a
LaTeX: y\prime\primey\prime\prime y\prime\prime LaTeX: \not\subset\not\subset \not\subset LaTeX: \vert\vert \vert
LaTeX: \pm\pm \pm LaTeX: \subseteq\subseteq \subseteq LaTeX: \cup\cup \cup
LaTeX: 3 \cdot 93 \cdot 9 3 \cdot 9 LaTeX: \varnothing\varnothing \varnothing LaTeX: \parallel\parallel \parallel
LaTeX: 3 \times 93 \times 9 3 \times 9 LaTeX: \approx\approx \approx LaTeX: \sum\sum \sum
LaTeX: 9 \div 39 \div 3 9 \div 3 LaTeX: \ne\ne \ne LaTeX: \perp\perp \perp
LaTeX: \therefore\therefore \therefore LaTeX: \ell\ell \ell LaTeX: \int\int \int



Number Sets and Greek Letters (not the same slash as in HTML)

Symbol LaTex Code Symbol LaTex Code Symbol LaTex Code
LaTeX: \alpha\alpha \alpha LaTeX: \lambda\lambda \lambda LaTeX: \phi\phi \phi
LaTeX: \beta
\beta \beta LaTeX: \mu\mu \mu LaTeX: \omega\omega \omega
LaTeX: \gamma\gamma \gamma LaTeX: \nu\nu \nu LaTeX: \ R\ R \ R
LaTeX: \delta\delta \delta LaTeX: \pi\pi \pi LaTeX: \ N\ N \ N
LaTeX: \Delta\Delta \Delta LaTeX: \rho\rho \rho LaTeX: \ Z\ Z \ Z
LaTeX: \epsilon\epsilon \epsilon LaTeX: \sigma\sigma \sigma LaTeX: \ C\ C \ C
LaTeX: \theta\theta \theta LaTeX: \tau\tau \tau LaTeX: \ Q\ Q \ Q

Equation Formatting

When equations are added from the Equation Editor in the Rich Content Editor, the editor supports inline
or block formatting delimiters to identify equations.

Inline Formatting

Placing an equation inside a \(...\) delimiter indicates the equation should be in an inline format.
Generally, equations entered with text should be formatted inline.

Example: \(area = \int_{a}^b f(x)dx\)

Block Formatting

Placing an equation inside a $$...$$ delimiter indicates the equation should be in a block format.
Example: $$y = mx + b$$


Rich Content Editor

When saved, the Rich Content Editor displays the equations in the editor window as inline formatted text
[1] or block formatted text [2].

Sample equation in inline and block formatting