Custom HTML pages
Building Web Pages from HTML Editing Applications
Goal: After reviewing this page, participants will understand how to add a line of code to custom HTML files that contain math. Individual web pages can also be built using any common HTML editor, and then the math expressions can be added later.
While some common editors may include a technique for adding math expressions, the resulting math expressions are often just images of not accessible expressions.
One approach is to use a separate WYSIWYG math editor (i.e., an editing tool with a symbol palette that lets a sighted author select a symbol visually with the mouse and then manipulate the expression until it looks the way you want), and then copy and paste the resulting MathML or LaTeX code from the math editor into your web page. Copying the pertinent Javascript code string to support MathJax in the head of your HTML file will then ensure the web page is multi-browser enabled.
To do this, include the following code string in the <head> section of your page:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=” (Links to an external site.)”></script>