Wellness Central: Your Space at Your Pace
Wellness Central: Your Space at Your Pace
If you believe you need immediate assistance please contact 9-1-1, the Crisis Text Line TEXT: COURAGE TO: 741741 or contact your campus or local health providers.
Welcome to Wellness Central! This is a free health and wellness resource created especially for California Community College students. This resource is here for you to access in your space at your pace!
Your health is important and is connected to your ability to succeed as a student. We know that when you pay attention to your health, you are more likely to successfully complete your classes, receive the grades you desire, progress to the next semester and move smoothly on to graduation!
Your success in college depends on good health!
Wellness Central is not intended to replace professional medical advice regarding a specific medical condition or question. The resources and health information in these modules are intended to provide guidance and connect you with local services.
As you navigate Wellness Central you have two options for navigation. You have the Homepage with The 6 Dimensions of Wellness, it is interactive! Go ahead and click on the different topics: Academic, Financial, Spiritual, Emotional, Social and Physical. Within the 6 dimensions of wellness you will then find subtopics that will connect the different areas of your wellbeing. The second option is to access the subtopics under the left tab titled Modules.
If you are attending classes on a CCC campus, and prefer or need to meet with a health provider face-to-face, we make sure you know how to do that by providing a global resource list with contact information to local CCC Health Centers, along with contact information to your local county public health services. You can find the global list on each of these subtopic pages under the title: "Where is the closest help to me?".
Keep in mind this is not a course: nothing is graded and the information you choose to provide is anonymous.
Using this tool does not link you to any personal identifying information.
This is a NO REPLY feedback survey link. No one will reply by email or other formats.
If you believe you need immediate assistance please contact 9-1-1 ,
the Crisis Text Line TEXT: COURAGE TO: 741741 or your campus or local health providers.
Help us make this resource even better by providing feedback. This resource will evolve to meet your needs. We are constantly working to add new information and features!
Find Balance by Exploring the 6 Dimensions of Wellness
Select the + icon to learn more about each dimension's topics. There are about 28 topics to explore and may appear in multiple dimensions.
Important Information
Wellness Central is in place for educational purposes.
Information you receive here is intended solely for general educational purposes and is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice regarding a specific medical condition or question.
This information is not intended to replace the services and advice from a medical or mental health professional.
Always seek the advice of and care from your medical or mental health provider for any questions you may have regarding your medical or mental health condition.
For medical emergency & emotional crisis
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