POCR Application

Becoming an OEI Course Reviewer

After completing the three-week online POCR training through @ONE, you will be eligible to apply as an OEI Course Reviewer. Applications are reviewed by the Local and State Academic Senate (ASCCC) to ensure that minimum qualifications have been met.

Upon Academic Senate approval, faculty will be eligible to be hired on a contract basis by OEI/Foothill-DeAnza Community College District to perform reviews for the Online Education Initiative.  

Minimum Qualifications:

  • California community college (CCC) faculty
  • Have taught online for 4 semesters or 6 quarters
  • Led professional development for online teaching and learning and/or demonstrated that you have formal training in how to teach online
  • Have successfully designed your own online course

Desired Qualifications:

  • Have taught online teachers
  • Have mentored or coached other online teachers
  • Experience in evaluating online courses

Documents to Submit

  • Cover Letter that addresses your training and qualifications for this position.
  • Please include how you have implemented course design standards into your own online teaching, and describe your course review experience (such as campus or district-level review, Quality Matters, or @ONE) if applicable.
  • A current resume or curriculum vitae
  • Contact information for three (3) professional references

Document Submission Instructions

  1. Go to http://bit.ly/POCRapplication Links to an external site. to complete the file transfer.
  2. Click Choose files
  3. Navigate to the location where your files are stored
  4. Select BOTH your cover letter and resume/CV (and reference page if not included with your CV) *Hold ctrl to select multiple files*
  5. Click Open
  6. Add your first name, last name, and email address in the boxes
  7. Click Upload
  8. Wait for the file transfer to be complete; you will receive a notice that says “Done,” and be redirected to page that says “Thanks! You’re all done.”
  9. You will also receive an email letting you know your files were successfully uploaded.

Important Information:

  • After completing the application check your email for the upload confirmation email from Dropbox. If you don’t see the email in your inbox, make sure you check your junk/spam folder.
  • You will receive an email when @ONE downloads your application documents. If you do not receive the download confirmation email within 7 days of submitting your application, please forward the upload confirmation email from Dropbox to @ONE at info@onefortraining.org.


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