Course Review

The Course Exchange component of the Online Education Initiative (OEI) will provide a seamless pathway for students to register for online courses across participating colleges without requiring students to complete separate application and matriculation processes.

For a course to be offered to students in the CCC Course Exchange, it must first go through a course review process that ensures alignment with the OEI Course Design Rubric. The OEI Course Design Rubric was developed in 2014 by the OEI Professional Development work group to assure that all courses offered as part of the initiative promote student success and meet existing regulatory and accreditation requirements.

The OEI Course Design Rubric Links to an external site.

Interested in Offering your course in the Exchange?


Interested in being a Peer Online Course Reviewer?

Step 1: Complete POCR Training from @ONE.

Step 2: Submit your application documents to become an OEI Course Reviewer. 

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