The Course Review Process
Step 1: Attend an Online OEI Welcome Meeting
These one hour online meetings will be held the 2nd week of each month, with multiple offerings to accommodate busy faculty schedules. We will go over:
- OEI Background/Goals
- Benefits of Participating in Course Review and the Exchange
- Overview of the Rubric & Review Process
- The role of your Online Course Design Specialist (OCDS)
- Instructions on completing the Online Course Design Self-check Rubric.
You can find a schedule of Course Review Cycles and Welcome meeting registrations here Links to an external site..
Step 3: Submit your Self-Check Rubric Links to an external site.
The newly updated OEI Course Design Rubric comes as a fillable PDF form Links to an external site. which you will download and use to do a self-evaluation of your course. Consider your course design in relation to each element in the rubric and check the appropriate box (Incomplete, Aligned, or Exemplary). Don’t worry if your course is incomplete in some areas - the goal of the Self-Check is to get you familiar with the tool that the reviewers will use and perhaps give you a chance to address some areas prior to having the course reviewed. You can also add comments to your Self-Check in case you need to make the reviewers aware of something about your course design.
Step 4: Get Reviewed!
Each course is assigned two Peer Reviewers and one Accessibility Reviewer. All reviewers (including Lead Reviewers) are fellow faculty who have gone through extensive training on course design in Canvas and rigorous norming sessions on the rubric. Once those reviews are complete, a Lead Reviewer will compile the results into a final document.
Step 5: Meet with your Lead Reviewer to review your Online Course Review Results
After your Lead Reviewer has finished compiling the results into a final document, he/she will contact you to set up an online meeting to share the results and discuss next steps. There are one of four possible outcomes of the course review:
- Exchange Ready: Congratulations! The OEI Chief Professional Development officer will follow-up with you and your college’s OEI SPOC (Single Point of Contact) with instructions for including the course in the Course Exchange.
- Incomplete(s) in Sections A-C: An Online Course Design Specialist will join you and the Lead Reviewer on the Debrief call. The Online Course Designer will work with you to develop an action plan and timeline for applying the Course Review feedback. He/she will schedule a follow-up meeting with you and will provide you with training, support, and consultation until your course is Exchange Ready.
- Exchange Ready in A-C with Incomplete(s) in Section E only: An Accessibility Expert will join the debrief call to offer assistance with tackling those Institutional Accessibility areas. He/she will explain next steps, obtains your permission to provide hands-on help, and go over your preferred “rules of engagement” for working with course materials to make them accessible
- Incomplete in D only: Either 2 or 3 above based on the determination of the CPDO and the OEI Director of Accessibility.
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