Getting Started Email

Here is the process for creating your Quest Workshop in a Canvas site. 

Initial Quest Course Setup

Step 1 – Setting up your course

  1. Import the comprehensive Quest Program Download Quest Program file to your computer
  2. Go into your instance of Canvas and create/name a new course, Quest for Online Success (current term).
  3. Import the content into a new course by going to Settings, Import Content into this Course; Content Type is Canvas Course Export Package.
  4. You will have 1 issue – you will need to update the SmarterMeasure LTI.

Step 2 - Creating the SmarterMeasure LTI

  1. Enter your newly created Quest course
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Go to Apps
  4. Select and add the SmarterMeasure App (make sure there isn't already a legacy SmarterMeasure app - having two will create an error message)
  5. Select the gear drop down for SmarterMeasure
  6. Select edit
  7. Go to the getting started email and copy the credentials provided for your school (Consumer key, Secret Key, and Custom Field credentials) into your Quest course
  8. Select the Submit button.


Here are your school's LTI credentials for SmarterMeasure.  They will remain the same for as long as you use SmarterMeasure.  Each time you copy a new Quest course, you will need to update your SM LTI credentials in the new shell.

  • Name=SmarterMeasure
  • Consumer Key: 
  • Shared Secret:  (just have to do this one time, when you copy Quest for next term, it is there but not visible)
  • Launch URL = links to an external site
  • Domain =
  • Custom Fields = custom_sm_template_assessment_key=(copy from custom_sm... to end) - make sure you do not have a space between the equal sign and your credentials.
  • Select public option
  • Description = SmarterMeasure indicates the degree to which an individual student possesses the attributes, skills and knowledge that contribute to success by assessing the student in several their non-cognitive factors.


Here is how to Access the Admin panel for SmarterMeasure

Go to  Links to an external site.

UserName: your Readiness Lead first name.last name

Password: admin

Here is a link to the Readiness Resource Repository (RRR).  The Readiness Resource Repository contains all information related to the Quest Program such as how instructional and counseling faculty, how to connect students to Quest, recordings of Quest Webinars, and Quest research

Feel free to email with questions/concerns.