Model Hiring Principles and Procedures

Welcome to Model Hiring Principles and Procedures!



Welcome to the ASCCC Model Hiring Principles and Procedures course. The course consists of three modules: pre-hiring, hiring, and post hiring. Each module has various processes to review that may be similar to your local campus processes, and each includes principles and guiding questions and equity frameworks to support the development and review of your hiring processes.  

How Do I Use This Course?

You may start with any module or at any point within a module. The course is designed to be a resource for you and includes model activities to tailor to your campus, along with tools and resources to use. You may work through each module at your own pace or use it as a resource to return to at anytime.  If you have any questions, contact the ASCCC by email.  

What About Credit?

As of spring 2020, the learning module is self-paced and to be used as a resource for colleges. The ASCCC is considering options and feasibility of those options for some type of credit in the future.


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